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Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 14:26 on 22 December 2024

Frankie & Benny's

Westgate Retail Park, Colinsway, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 9SH

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Click on Licence / Application Number for more details

Licence Licence Type From To
PL0676 Premises Licence 14/10/2019 14/12/2020
Application Type Application Number From To Status
New Application 013462 24/11/2005 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 025316 06/10/2006 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 029534 28/04/2008 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 031708 01/09/2008 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 032540 31/10/2008 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 038941 07/10/2009 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 040867 20/01/2010 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 045917 20/09/2010 indefinite Completed
Minor Variation Application 047593 08/12/2010 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 052409 05/08/2011 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 053778 06/10/2011 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 058915 15/06/2012 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 061833 19/11/2012 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 069802 13/11/2013 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 083251 29/12/2015 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 086284 21/06/2016 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 087044 08/08/2016 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 097459 17/04/2018 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 106879 14/10/2019 indefinite Completed
Suspension 112315 14/10/2019 indefinite Completed
Cancellation/Surrender 112326 14/10/2019 14/12/2020 Completed

Application NumberProcess typeLicence typeStatus
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