Monarch House, George Street, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF1 1HE
The Fire Alarm and Emergency Lighting Systems are to be tested weekly and a written record of these tests is to be kept. Any faults identified and the relevant action taken to rectify them are to be noted in the record.
All exit routes must be kept clear and remain free from obstruction at all times.
FS1 Emergency Lighting
The existing emergency lighting system should be extended to cover the under mentioned areas. The new emergency lighting provided should be such that when in operation the illumination given off is sufficient to enable persons to see without the aid of the general lighting and also to illuminate all exit notices provided. British Standard BS5266 - Part 1 and Part 7 are the acceptable standard.
Areas to be covered:
FS2 Fire Alarm
The existing manually operated electrical fire alarm system should be extended and actuation points provided as to cover the below areas. The alarm system to be provided must be clearly audible throughout the whole building. The audible warning devices should be of a type to comply with British Standard BS5839 Part 1: Fire Detection and Alarm Systems in Buildings.
FS3 System Testing
The fire alarm system should be tested in accordance with British Standard BS5839: Part 1: Fire Detection and Alarm Systems in Buildings. The result of all tests with the exception of daily tests should be recorded in a suitable log book provided for the purpose.
FS4 Fire Extinguishers
Staff who may use the fire extinguishers provided should be made fully conversant with their location, method of operation and safe use, and the action to be taken in the case of fire.