Annex 1 - Mandatory Conditions
Annex 2 - Conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule
1. Incident / Refusals Register
1.1 An Incident Report Register shall be maintained and kept on the premises to record all incidents involving:-Crimes at the premise, anti-social behaviour, injury, ejections of patrons from the premises.
1.2 The register shall also include the details of any police officer who attend any incident, names and addresses of any witnesses
This register shall be made available for inspection by West Yorkshire Police or Local Authority Enforcement Officers immediately upon request.
1.3 The register will contain consecutively numbered pages in a bound format and include the date, time and location of the incident, details of the nature of the incident, the names and to whom the incident was reported to and names of any other staff involved or to whom the incident was reported.
1.4 The nominated manager will inspect the incident register on a weekly basis to ensure that the document is being maintained correctly. The nominated manager will sign and date an entry accordingly to verify the above.
2. Open Bottles and Vessels
2.1 No open bottles or vessels containing alcohol shall be permitted entry to the premises at any time during trading hours.
3. House Keeping
3.1 At the end of trading hours on each and every day the pavement or area to the frontage of the premises shall be cleared of litter.
Annex 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority
(None Applicable)
Annex 4 - Plans
See attached plans.