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Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 19:02 on 23 December 2024

Royal Oak, The

15 High Street, Crofton, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF4 1NF

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Licence Licence Type From To
PL0695 Premises Licence 02/01/2019 indefinite
Application Type Application Number From To Status
Conversion (Grandfather Rights) 012437 24/11/2005 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 015869 03/02/2006 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 026965 14/11/2007 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 029031 26/03/2008 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 030921 25/07/2008 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 032211 09/01/2009 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 036983 10/07/2009 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 039683 13/11/2009 indefinite Completed
Transfer Application 048025 29/12/2010 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 051443 29/06/2011 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 051979 13/07/2011 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 055469 21/12/2011 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 059538 24/07/2012 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 062237 27/11/2012 indefinite Completed
Variation Application 062593 08/01/2013 indefinite Completed
Transfer Application 087184 02/08/2016 indefinite Completed
Suspension 101071 08/08/2018 indefinite Completed
Suspension Lifted 101550 08/08/2018 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 102126 02/01/2019 indefinite Completed
Suspension 118453 02/01/2019 indefinite Completed
Suspension Lifted 119177 02/01/2019 indefinite Completed
Minor Variation Application 124639 Withdrawn
Minor Variation Application 125146 Rejected
Suspension 127018 02/01/2019 indefinite Completed
Suspension Lifted 127444 02/01/2019 indefinite Completed

Application NumberProcess typeLicence typeStatus
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