65 Westgate End, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 9RL
1. CCTV 1.1 A CCTV system to a specification required by West Yorkshire Police and in accordance with current Home Office Guidelines be installed and utilised at the premises with a sufficient storage capacity to store a minimum of 31 days footage; 1.2 Equipment shall be operated and maintained in good and clear working order and retained for a period of at least 31 days, or as otherwise recommended by the police; 1.3 Staff shall be trained in the use of the system to ensure rapid data retrieval and download when required by Police or Local Authority Enforcement Officers; 1.4 CCTV shall be active when the premises are tradingĀ and at least one member of staff who is trained in downloading from the system shall be on the premises during trading hours. 2. Training 2.1. An Incident Report Register shall be maintained and kept on the premises to record all incidents involving anti-social behaviour, injury and ejections from the premises. The register will contain consecutively numbered pages in a bound format and include the date, time and location of the incident and details of the nature of the incident, The register shall also include the details of any police officer who attend any incident, names and addresses of any witnesses and confirmation as to whether there is CCTV footage of the incident. This register shall be made available for inspection by West Yorkshire Police or Local Authority Enforcement Officers immediately upon request.
3. At the end of business every night the pavement to the frontage and sides of the premises shall be cleared of litter and waste and cleansed of any urine, vomit or similar fouling.
(None Applicable)
See attached plans.