Annex 1 - Mandatory Conditions
No supply of alcohol may be made under this Premises Licence:
a) at a time there is no designated premises supervisor in respect of the premises licence and,
b) at a time when the designated premises supervisor does not hold a personal licence or the personal licence is suspended and,
Every supply of alcohol under the premises licence must be made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence.
Annex 2 - Conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule
1. CCTV system to a specification required by West Yorkshire Police as per Home Office guidelines will be installed and utilized at the premises with sufficient storage capacity and requirement to store the previous 31 days footage. Staff will be trained in the use of the system to ensure rapid data retrieval and download when required by Police or Local Authority Enforcement Officers. CCTV to be active on a 24hr basis and at least one member of staff, who is trained in downloading from the system, is on the premises when it is open.
2. New staff shall receive induction training at the commencement of employment. Regular staff training and re training shall be undertaken and recorded. Staff training records shall be maintained for inspection by West Yorkshire Police and Local Authority Enforcement Officers. This training must include drug awareness training and underage sales training.
3. A proof of age scheme approved by West Yorkshire Police and West Yorkshire Trading Standards will be in operation and signs provided informing customers that sales will not be made to persons less than 18 years of age and identification may be required. A “21”proof of age system will be adopted.
4. The DPS will ensure that an Incident Report Register is maintained on the premises to record incidents such as anti social behaviour, and ejections from the premises.
5. The register will contain consecutively numbered pages in a bound format, the date, time and location of the incident, details of the nature of the incident, the names and SIA badge numbers of any door staff involved or to whom the incident was reported, the names and personal licence numbers (if any) of any other staff involved or to whom the incident was reported, the names and numbers of any police officers attending, names and addresses of any witnesses and confirmation of whether there is CCTV footage of the incident.
6. The Incident Report Register will be produced immediately for inspection on request by a police officer or council enforcement officer.
7. SIA approved contractor status door supervisors shall be employed at the premises. Door staff to be used where relevant events dictate.
8. Premises to be a member of the local Pubwatch scheme and a representative to attend the meetings.
9. No children shall be allowed on the premises after 7pm.
10. No customers apparently carrying open bottles upon entry shall be admitted to the premises at any time the premises are open to the public.
11. No customers will be allowed to take from the premises open bottles or vessels.
12. No adult entertainment shall take place on the premises.
13. At any time when advertised events for the wider public are planned written notice must be served upon the Police Licensing Department no less than 14 consecutive days prior to the scheduled event. This notice should include a full risk assessment ,numbers expected, what age and social disposition the event is likely to appeal to security measures in place, including number of door staff, details of any promoters including their stage name, real name and date of birth and details of acts performing.
14. West Yorkshire Police will have the authority to reject any such written notice and cancel the proposed event should there be evidence to show a genuine risk to public safety. West Yorkshire Police shall provide written notice to the Premises Licence Holder of any such cancellation within no less than 10 consecutive days prior to the proposed event.
15. Polycarbonate drinking vessels shall be used for events described as in paragraph 13.
16. CCTV radio to be used when the premises are open.
17. All work taking place must comply with the Secure By Design concept. Close liaison must be sought from the Police Architectural liaison officer before any building work takes place. This work must be signed off by the Police Architectural liaison officer before the licence is issued.
18. The DPS will attend the local Drug awareness course and the DPS course run by Wakefield College. Evidence of these qualifications will be kept on the premises and will be made available to the Police or Local Authority officers on demand
19. Noise from amplified and non-amplified music, singing and speech arising from regulated entertainment at the premises [between the hours of 23:00 and 07:00] shall not be audible inside habitable rooms of noise sensitive properties in the vicinity.
Informative Note:
Licensees are advised to carry out a simple “sound check” outside the nearest noise sensitive property by listening to the music etc. coming from regulated entertainment. If the music etc. is clearly audible then it is likely that this condition is being breached. Steps should then be taken to reduce the volume of the noise.
For the purpose of providing an objective standard to assess whether this condition is being complied with or not, noise shall be considered not to be audible if:
) the measurement of sound when music etc is on (expressed as LAeq, 1min) does not exceed the measurement of sound (expressed as LA90, 5min) when the music is off, and
) the measurement of sound in each 1/3rd octave band between 40Hz and 160 Hz when music is on (expressed as L10, 1min) does not exceed the measurement of sound in the same 1/3rd octave bands between 40Hz and 160Hz when the music is off (expressed as L90, 5min)
All measurements to be taken within the habitable room normally occupied at the time in question, using a Type 1 integrating-averaging sound level meter compliant with BS EN 60804, with either windows open for normal ventilation or closed, whichever situation causes greater noise disturbance.
Annex 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority
(None Applicable)
Annex 4 - Plans
See attached plans.