Annex 1 - Mandatory Conditions
No supply of alcohol may be made under this Premises Licence:
a) at a time there is no designated premises supervisor in respect of the premises licence and,
b) at a time when the designated premises supervisor does not hold a personal licence or the personal licence is suspended and,
Every supply of alcohol under the premises licence must be made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence.
Annex 2 - Conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule
Litter Bins/ Rubbish & Litter
1. Facilities for depositing rubbish outside the premises must be made available.
2. Litter bins so provided at 1 above shall be emptied at regular intervals and at the end of trading every day.
Annex 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority
1CCTV system to a specification required by West Yorkshire Police as per Home Office guidelines will be installed and utilized at the premises with sufficient storage capacity and requirement to store the previous 31 days footage. Staff will be trained in the use of the system to ensure rapid data retrieval and download when required by Police or Local Authority Enforcement Officers.CCTV to be on a 24hr basis and at least one member of staff, who is trained in downloading from the system is on the premises when it is open.
2New staff shall receive induction training at the commencement of employment .Regular staff training and re training shall be undertaken and recorded. Staff training records shall be maintained for inspection by West Yorkshire Police and Local Authority Enforcement Officers. This training must include drug awareness training and underage sales training.
3A proof of age scheme approved by West Yorkshire Police and West Yorkshire Trading Standards will be in operation and signs provided informing customers that sales will not be made to less than 18,s and identification may be required. A “21”proof of age system will be adopted.
Annex 4 - Plans
See attached plans.