61 Westgate End, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 9RL
(None Applicable)
1. Promotional leaflets (flyers) shall not be distributed to the public outside the premises (whether immediately outside or some distance away) except with the prior written approval of the Licensing Authority, and under the terms of a litter control plan approved by the Responsible Authority for Public Nuisance (Wakefield MDC’s Environmental Protection Team).
2. At the end of business every day/night, the pavement to the frontage (and sides) of the premises shall be cleared of litter and waste and cleansed of any urine, vomit or similar foulings.
3. CCTV shall be used on the premises. Cameras must be kept in full working order and the recordings shall be retained for a length of time in accordance with local police advice.
4. Adequate internal and external lighting shall be provided at all times.
See attached plans.