Annex 1 - Mandatory Conditions
No supply of alcohol may be made under this Premises Licence:
a) at a time there is no designated premises supervisor in respect of the premises licence and,
b) at a time when the designated premises supervisor does not hold a personal licence or the personal licence is suspended and,
Every supply of alcohol under the premises licence must be made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence.
The admission of children to an exhibition of a film where the film classification body or this Council has determined the classification must be restricted in accordance with that classification. The film classification body is the British Board of Film Classification. In this condition children means persons under 18 years of age.
Films must be classified in the following way:
U - Universal. Suitable for audiences aged four years and over.
PG - Parental Guidance. Some scenes may be unsuitable for young children.
12A - Passed only for viewing by persons aged 12 years or older or persons younger than 12 when accompanied by an adult.
15 - Passed only for viewing by persons aged 15 years and over.
18 - Passed only for viewing by persons aged 18 years and over.
Immediately before each exhibition at the premises of a film passed by the British Board of Film Classification there shall be exhibited on screen for at least five seconds in such a manner as to be easily read by all persons in the auditorium a reproduction of the certificate of the Board or, as regards a trailer advertising a film, of the statement approved by the Board indicating the classification of the film.
Where a programme includes a film recommended by the licensing authority as falling into the 12A, 15 or 18 category no person appearing to be under the age of 12 and unaccompanied, or under 15 or 18 as appropriate, shall be admitted to any part of the programme; and the licence holder shall display in a conspicuous position a notice in the following terms:
Where films of different categories form part of the same programme, the notice shall refer to the oldest age restriction.
This condition does not apply to members of staff under the relevant age while on-duty provided that the prior written consent of the person's parent or legal guardian has first been obtained.
Annex 2 - Conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule
Embedded Restrictions: (None Applicable)
Operating Schedule Conditions:
1. Noise from amplified and non-amplified music, singing and speech arising from regulated entertainment at the premises [between the hours of 23:00 and 07:00] shall not be audible inside habitable rooms of noise sensitive properties in the vicinity.
Informative Note:
Licensees are advised to carry out a simple “sound check” outside the nearest noise sensitive property by listening to the music etc. coming from regulated entertainment. If the music etc. is clearly audible then it is likely that this condition is being breached. Steps should then be taken to reduce the volume of the noise.
For the purpose of providing an objective standard to assess whether this condition is being complied with or not, noise shall be considered not to be audible if:
) the measurement of sound when music etc is on (expressed as LAeq, 1min) does not exceed the measurement of sound (expressed as LA90, 5min) when the music is off, and
) the measurement of sound in each 1/3rd octave band between 40Hz and 160 Hz when music is on (expressed as L10, 1min) does not exceed the measurement of sound in the same 1/3rd octave bands between 40Hz and 160Hz when the music is off (expressed as L90, 5min)
All measurements to be taken within the habitable room normally occupied at the time in question, using a Type 1 integrating-averaging sound level meter compliant with BS EN 60804, with either windows open for normal ventilation or closed, whichever situation causes greater noise disturbance.
2. All external doors and windows to the room/s where regulated entertainment is being provided shall remain closed during the course of the entertainment, other than for normal access and egress.
3. No speaker used to relay amplified music, singing and speech provided as part of the regulated entertainment shall be positioned outside the building structure of the premises, nor shall any speaker be positioned internally such that the sound is directed through external doors, windows or other openings in the structure.
You can help facilitate patrons leaving in a quiet manner through promoting a ‘calm down’ period at the end of the night. Finish any “lively” entertainment (disco, live music, etc) about 30 minutes before the bar closes and play softer background music. Continue to sell water, soft drinks and other non-alcoholic beverages and allow customers to leave naturally.
4. Children (as defined in the Licensing Act 2003) shall not be allowed on the premises unless accompanied by an adult at all times.
5. Children shall not be allowed to enter or remain on the premises after 21.30 hours.
6. Children shall not be permitted in the bar, save access to the garden and the use of the toilets.
7. The Designated Premises Supervisor shall continue to remain a member of the Local Pubwatch scheme for as long as such scheme remains in existence.
8. Any person on the premises who appears to be under 18 years of age attempting to purchase alcohol from the establishment shall be challenged to produce photographic evidence to ascertain their proof of age.
9. No adult entertainment shall take place on the premises.
Annex 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority
1. The licence holder shall erect signs at each exit advising customers to leave the premises quietly so as not to disturb local residents.
2. The licence holder shall ensure that at the end of business hours all cans, bottles or glasses shall be collected and removed from around the exterior of the premises.
3. The beer garden will be closed to customers at 22.00 hours each evening.
4. During Live or Recorded Music events the licence holder shall periodically patrol the exterior of his premises to establish whether the break out of sound is likely to affect any neighbouring property. Appropriate adjustments should be made. A log of such events shall be kept for inspection by Council or police Officers.
5. The licence holder shall write to all local taxi firms to advise drivers not to sound horns to alert customers.
Annex 4 - Plans
See attached plans.