Annex 1 - Mandatory Conditions
1. The admission of children to an exhibition of a film where the film classification body or this Council has determined the classification must be restricted in accordance with that classification. The film classification body is the British Board of Film Classification. In this condition children means persons under 18 years of age.
Films must be classified in the following way:
U - Universal. Suitable for audiences aged four years and over.
PG - Parental Guidance. Some scenes may be unsuitable for young children.
12A - Passed only for viewing by persons aged 12 years or older or persons younger than 12 when accompanied by an adult.
15 - Passed only for viewing by persons aged 15 years and over.
18 - Passed only for viewing by persons aged 18 years and over.
2. Immediately before each exhibition at the premises of a film passed by the British Board of Film Classification there shall be exhibited on screen for at least five seconds in such a manner as to be easily read by all persons in the auditorium a reproduction of the certificate of the Board or, as regards a trailer advertising a film, of the statement approved by the Board indicating the classification of the film.
3. Where a programme includes a film recommended by the licensing authority as falling into the 12A, 15 or 18 category no person appearing to be under the age of 12 and unaccompanied, or under 15 or 18 as appropriate, shall be admitted to any part of the programme; and the licence holder shall display in a conspicuous position a notice in the following terms:
Where films of different categories form part of the same programme, the notice shall refer to the oldest age restriction. This condition does not apply to members of staff under the relevant age while on-duty provided that the prior written consent of the person's parent or legal guardian has first been obtained.
Annex 2 - Conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule
1. There shall be only 12 outdoor events held in the Bailey area of the Castle per year which involve the use of amplification equipment/system.
2. Regulated entertainment at the event shall not exceed 22:00 hours.
3. The noise arising from regulated entertainment shall be monitored during the set up of equipment at least every hour between 10:00 and 22:00 by the licensee or their representative at positions adjacent to dwellings or other noise sensitive properties in the vicinity of the Castle. If noise is clearly audible at the monitoring position, the licensee or their representative shall take action to reduce the level of the noise from regulated entertainment. A written log shall be kept of the monitoring including; the date and time the monitoring took place, the name of the person carrying out the monitoring, the monitoring location, a description of the noise from the Castle (if any) and a description of any remedial action taken. The log shall be retained for a minimum period of 12 months and shall be made available for inspection by persons and officers authorised under the Licensing Act 2003.
4. All residents in the vicinity of the Castle residing on Castle Garth, Beech Hill, Micklegate, Spink Lane and North Baileygate shall be contacted in writing advising of the date and times and the duration of the event. A contact name and telephone number for residents to call should they have reason to enquire about the event or complain during the event shall be provided.
5. Prominent, clear notices shall be displayed at the exit requesting people respect the needs of local residents and leave the area quickly and quietly.
6. Council staffing, stewarding and security shall be carried out at all events. West Yorkshire Police licensing and operational planning departments shall both be informed, with a minimum of 14 days notice, about all events taking place on the site and their advice sought as to any security or public safety measures necessary.
Annex 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority
(None Applicable)
Annex 4 - Plans
See attached plans.