Annex 1 - Mandatory Conditions
1. Each individual carrying out a security activity must be licensed by the Security Industry Authority.
2. A record shall be kept of the names and registration number of such persons and this record shall include the circumstances including full details of all events that take place during their period of duty.
Annex 2 - Conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule
1. Facilities for depositing rubbish outside the premises must be made available.
Annex 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority
1.1 The premises shall install and maintain a CCTV system as per the minimum requirements of the West Yorkshire Police Licensing Department, current Home Office Guidelines and in accordance with the information commissioner’s office current “CCTV code of practice”. The CCTV system shall have sufficient storage capacity to store a minimum of 31 days footage & record images at 7-12 Frames per Second (FPS).
(Advisory Note: - The CCTV must be registered with Information Commissioners Officer
(ICO) to ensure compliance with the Data protection Act 1998 (DPA).)
1.2 Cameras shall be installed and located at the following locations, counter/till serving area, waiting area and external frontage of the premises to enable the capture of images of individuals to a minimum of “RECOGNISING” as defined in the information commissioner’s office current “CCTV code of practice”. The CCTV System shall be capable of obtaining clear facial recognition images and a clear head and shoulders image of every person entering or leaving the premises.
1.3 All elements of the CCTV system must be maintained in good working order and recordings date and time stamped.
1.4 Staff shall be trained in the operation of the CCTV system to ensure rapid data retrieval & downloads of footage can be provided to the Police and the Local Authority Officer on request in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
1.5 CCTV shall be active during trading hours and at least one member of staff who is trained in downloading from the system must be on the premises during trading hours.
1.6 In the event of a failure of the CCTV system for any reason, a record of the failure will be recorded in the premises’ incident book and immediate steps will be made to rectify the problem.
2. Incident/Refusals Register
2.1 An Incident Report Register shall be maintained and kept on the premises to record all incidents involving:-Crimes at the premises, anti-social behavior, injury,ejections of patrons from the premises, any faults in the CCTV system & any visits by a relevant authority or emergency service.
2.2 The register shall also include the details of any police officer who attend any incident, the names and SIA badge numbers of any door staff involved or to who the incident was reported, names and addresses of any witnesses and confirmation as to whether there is CCTV footage of the incident. This register shall be made available for inspection by West Yorkshire Police or Local Authority Enforcement Officers immediately upon request.
2.3 The register will contain consecutively numbered pages in a bound format and include the date, time and location of the incident, details of the nature of the incident, the names and whom the incident was reported to and names of any other staff involved or to whom the incident was reported.
2.4 The nominated manager will inspect the incident register on a weekly basis to ensure that the document is being maintained correctly. The nominated manager will sign and date an entry accordingly to verify the above.
3. Door Staff
3.1 A minimum of 1 SIA registered door supervisor shall be employed at the premises from 11pm until closing on Fridays and Saturdays.
3.2 On all public bank holidays, Sundays before all public bank holidays, New Year’s Eve and Christmas Eve a minimum of 2 SIA registered door supervisors shall be on the premises from 11pm until closing.
4. Open bottles/vessels
4.1 No open bottles or vessels containing alcohol shall be permitted entry to the premises at any time during trading hours.
5. House Keeping
5.1 At the end of trading hours on each and every day the pavement or area to the frontage of the premises shall be cleared of litter.
5.2 Notices shall be placed inside the premises to ask that customers leave quietly and respect local residents.
6. Staff
6.1 During the hours the premises are licensed, there will be a minimum of 3 members of staff on duty.
7. Children
7.1 All children (as defined in the Licensing Act 2003) shall not be allowed on the premises during the hours the premises are licensed.
Annex 4 - Plans
See attached plans.