Annex 1 - Mandatory Conditions
(Non Applicable)
Annex 2 - Conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule
Embedded Restrictions: (None Applicable)
Operating Schedule Conditions:
1. Adequate external lighting shall be provided at all times.
2. Prominent, clear emergency exits signs displayed at all times.
3. Litter bins shall be available for use outside the premises at all times.
4. Litter bins so provided at 3, above shall be emptied at regular intervals and at the end of every day.
5. An announcement to be made prior to any licensable activities. Members of the public shall be advised of the emergency evacuation procedure and the position of emergency exit routes.
6. All emergency exit doors to be un-bolted and unlocked prior to admitting members of the public on the premises.
7. All emergency exit routes to be kept clear and free from obstruction at all times.
8. All classrooms or other areas to which members of the public do not have access to be made inaccessible during licensable activities.
Annex 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority
(None Applicable)
Annex 4 - Plans
See attached plans.