6 Sagar Street, Castleford, West Yorkshire, WF10 1AF
Non Standard Timings are as follows for Hours premises open to the public:
Christmas Eve 17.00 - 02.30
New Year's Eve 17.00 - 02.30
(None Applicable)
Embedded Restrictions: (None Applicable)
Operating Schedule Conditions
At the end of business every day/night, the pavement to the frontage (and sides) of the premises shall be cleared of litter and waste and cleansed of any urine, vomit or similar foulings.
The Fire Alarm and Emergency Lighting Systems are to be tested weekly and a written record of these tests is to be kept. Any faults identified and the relevant actions taken to rectify them are to be noted in the record.
All exit routes must be kept clear and remain free from obstruction at all times.
Children shall not be allowed on the premises after 22.30 hours unless accompanied by an adult.
To prevent offensive odours, waste is to be disposed of in sealable bin bags.
Provide bins in the waiting area for customers to dispose of food and packaging.
See attached plans.