51 Kirkby Road, Hemsworth, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 4AS
Non Standard timings for licensable activities and opening hours.
Friday and Saturday hours on all public holidays including Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.
(None Applicable)
Embedded Restrictions: (None Applicable)
Operating Schedule Conditions
All emergency lighting and/or fire alarm system to be checked weekly and a record kept. Any faults identified and the relevant action taken to be noted.
All emergency exit routes to be kept clear and free from obstruction at all times
CCTV shall continue to be used on the premises. Cameras should be in full working order and the recordings shall be retained for a length of time in accordance witrh local police advise.
Unacompanied children will not be allowed to enter the premises after 23.00.
Facilities for depositing rubbish outside the premises must be made available.
At the end of business every day/night the pavement to the frontage (and sides) of the premises must be cleared of any litter and waste and cleansed of any urine, vomit or similar fouling.
See attached plans.