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Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 15:36 on 22 December 2024

Winding Wheel

Sterling Industrial Park, Carr Wood Road, Castleford, West Yorkshire, WF10 4PS

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Click on Licence / Application Number for more details

Licence Licence Type From To
PL0675 Premises Licence 13/08/2024 indefinite
Application Type Application Number From To Status
Conversion (Grandfather Rights) 012425 24/11/2005 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 018049 10/08/2006 indefinite Completed
Variation Application 019540 09/10/2006 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 029912 15/05/2008 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 030174 06/06/2008 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 042739 29/04/2010 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 046104 24/09/2010 indefinite Completed
Minor Variation Application 049394 08/03/2011 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 050256 14/04/2011 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 054598 08/11/2011 indefinite Completed
Minor Variation Application 057089 14/03/2012 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 064106 08/02/2013 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 070890 02/01/2014 indefinite Completed
Minor Variation Application 072511 03/04/2014 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 073620 09/06/2014 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 077686 10/02/2015 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 083213 29/12/2015 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 083946 08/02/2016 indefinite Completed
Variation Application 089411 18/01/2017 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 100683 08/10/2018 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 101655 06/12/2018 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 106571 26/09/2019 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 107493 28/11/2019 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 109428 24/03/2020 indefinite Completed
Vary DPS 130595 13/08/2024 indefinite Completed

Application NumberProcess typeLicence typeStatus
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